Marketing Posts
Dominating your local dive market
The keys to dominating your local dive market include knowing your customers and creating exceptional products and services.
Should you charge more if students need extra work?
As with so many things, there is no right answer to this question. What works for us may not work for you.
Should you answer the phone after hours?
At least 32 percent of this store’s sales result from answering the phone after hours. Can you afford to lose this much business?
Tempted to compete on price? Don’t be.
Matching competitors on price is generally foolish. You will lose money and the customers you attract are not worth your time and effort.
The new key to customer acquisition
There are many ways to acquire new customers. One of the most important ways may be something you are missing.
Building your mailing list
An up-to-date mailing list can be among your store’s most valuable assets. But only if you have one. Here is how to build one.
Should you sell online?
A handful of dive stores will do reasonably well by branching into online equipment sales. In all likelihood, yours won’t be one of them.
“Just in time” advertising
Ideally, you would never need to promote a product or service at the last minute. Nevertheless, it happens.
The escape clause
As dive retailers, there are a number of ways we can profit by following the example of large, successful retailers. This ain’t one of them.